Developmental Scientists for Climate Action
The implications of climate change for human development need more attention.
Developmental scientists have much to offer in this effort. We embrace an inclusive definition of “developmental scientist” including researchers, educators, and practitioners trained in multiple disciplines and concerned with contextual influences on development and wellbeing across the life course and across generations.
Climate Change & Human Development
The climate crisis is the defining challenge of our moment in history. Yet, the effects of climate change on human development across the lifespan—and our central role as the agents who must act to avoid climate catastrophe—deserve much more attention.
Our Mission
DevSCA is a bold project. We are a global community of researchers, educators, and practitioners who believe that we have a responsibility to act. Through open, global collaboration, we aim to use developmental science to address this daunting existential crisis.
Get Involved
Have we piqued your interest? Do you want to be a part of the solution? DevSCA membership is available to anyone who shares our interests and wants to help fulfill our mission.