Policy Reports

IPCC (2023). Synthesis report
 of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6): Summary for policymakers. https://report.ipcc.ch/ar6syr/pdf/IPCC_AR6_SYR_SPM.pdf

Newnham, E.A., Ho, J.Y, & Chan, E.Y.Y. (2020). Identifying and engaging high-risk groups in disaster research. In M. Clarke, V. Murray, E. Chan, R. Kayano, J. Abrahams, and T. O’Sullivan (Eds). World Health Organization Guidance on Research Methods for Health Emergency and Disaster Risk Management. Geneva: World Health Organization. https://extranet.who.int/kobe_centre/sites/default/files/WHO%20Guidance_Research%20Methods_Health%20EDRM_2021_Chapter-2.5.pdf

UNICEF (2021). The climate crisis is
 a child rights crisis: Introducing the Children’s Climate Risk Index. New York: United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED614506.pdf